eDNA Working Groups
eDNA Working Groups
DNAqua-Net assembles researchers across disciplines using genomic tools for biodiversity assessments and biomonitoring of European water bodies
Focus Geography: Europe
EcoDNA is a multidisciplinary research group based in Australia and the Asia-Pacific working on eDNA applications in biodiversity conservation
Focus Geography: Australia and Asia-Pacific
The eDNA Society
The eDNA Society aims to foster and develop eDNA science as a discipline that contributes to human well-being
Focus Geography: Japan
Environmental DNA Expeditions
Environmental DNA Expeditions is a global, citizen science initiative that will help measure marine biodiversity, and the impacts climate change might have on the distribution patterns of marine life, across UNESCO World Heritage marine sites
Focus Geography: Global
GEN-FISH is a team of researchers, professionals, and community-members who are working to determine the location and abundance of Canada’s 200+ freshwater fish species, and measure how they are performing in the face of increasing (mostly human-caused) stressors.
Focus Geography: Canada
LOFRESH is a UK-based collaborative working to improve their ability to utilize eDNA in tracking the presence and abundance of species in and around freshwater habitats
Focus Geography: UK
Based in the USA, Maine-eDNA is a state-wide research, education and outreach program that seeks to transform understanding and sustainability of Maine’s coastal ecosystems via eDNA
Focus Geography: Maine, USA
As part of the larger GEO BON project, MBON is a global “coalition of the willing” who agree to share knowledge about how to evaluate changes of biodiversity in the ocean, including data, products, methods, data systems and software
Focus Geography: Global
The Ocean Biomolecular Observing Network is an endorsed programme of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development that will monitor, research & understand ocean life by analyzing biomolecules
Focus Geography: Global
SeMMAP is a citizen science project of California’s surface water monitoring program
Focus Geography: California, USA https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/db3a30220d0d4bdea684781cdaef5230/page/Home/
Southern eDNA Society
Promoting science and industry collaboration across Australia and New Zealand to advance best practice eDNA methods and adoption in government, private and community sectors.
Focus Geography: Australia and New Zealand
UK DNA is a part of the UK Environmental Observation Framework and creates connections between researchers and end users as eDNA technology rapidly develops
Focus Geography: UK
UN Decade of Science
UNESCO Environmental DNA Expeditions is a global, citizen science initiative that will help measure marine biodiversity, and the impacts climate change might have on the distribution patterns of marine life, across UNESCO World Heritage marine sites.
Focus Geography: Global
Vigilife Observatory
In order to deploy or consolidate sustainable ecosystem monitoring networks on a global scale, the Vigilife Observatory relies on the development and implementation of scientific programs to structure cooperation between the various partners present in the territories. around a theme (rivers, marine areas, etc.).
Focus Geography: Global
Did we miss a working group?
Let us know at eDNAcollab@uw.edu.